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PSHE at Millbrook


Our intent for the PSHE curriculum is that it will:

  • promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society
  • prepare pupils at MPS for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life
  • equip pupils to be responsible, respectful, active citizens who contribute positively to society



At MPS, our PSHE curriculum is part of a whole school approach where links are made with: Science, Computing, Physical Education and Design and Technology, to ensure continuity and consistency.

We use the PSHE Education Programme of Study from the PSHE Association to develop our PSHE curriculum.  As part of our long term planning we use  three 'core themes' which progresses as children move throughout the school:

Health and Wellbeing


Living in the Wider World


We aim for all children at MPS to:

Discover their interests and talents

Become resilient, confident and independent learners

Know how to keep physically and mentally healthy

Recognise the rules and principles for keeping safe online

Recognise the importance of respecting others, even when they are very different from them